Marabu’s Green Line

There’s a new kind of plant based acrylic paint, but how does it paint?
More waste disposal

Sometimes it’s just not so easy to use eco-friendly art supplies, but how can we be as eco-friendly as possible?
Pebeo 3in1 acrylic binder – review

A good alternative for when you want to use acrylics
Rabbit skin glue experiment

In my new journey of cold wax painting, I have to start at the bottom: the grounding….
Extended playtime

Besides working with gouache and watercolor, I have found something else that seems very interesting to me: painting with cold wax.

Playtime Finally! Finally! My bad gesso pot is empty. From now on, I will use only eco-friendly gesso, preferably homemade of course .You can find my experiments on Gessos part 1 & Gessos part 2 or skip that all to go straight to the recipe to make it yourself. It took me long to empty the jar. Once I had made […]
Varnish and lacquer #2

The experiments continue; beeswax and floor wax. Is this the solution to protect my watercolor paintings?
Varnish and lacquer #1

In search of an eco-friendly finishing
Gessos, primers and other substrates #2

Two weeks ago I wrote about alternatives to gessos and that the ingredients I used were mostly not working. Now the sequel…
Gessos, primers and other substrates #1

The gesso story gets its own tail